The Aquaculture Blockchain Solution

Using Blockchain Technology to merge the cyber and physical worlds via a platform solution to manage fisheries today for the world of tomorrow sustainably.

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Satellite Utilisation

The synchronisation of the satellites and the procurement of pictures on timed intervals will allow image mapping via satellite grids.


Quota Management

Smart contracts are implemented to manage the issuance of individual licenses of fish quotas to license applicants.


Catchment Tracking

A clear line of sight for end consumers validating that fish being purchased was caught in authorised waters with a valid quota.

The Problem

The massive reduction in species availability, including large bluefin tuna, yellowfin, and other prized products like marlin and sailfish, proves that oceans are being depleted faster than they can recover from overfishing, pollution and illegal fishing. Moreover, apex predators like sharks are a by-product of longlines, dredging, and advanced netting by large vessels, destabilising ocean ecosystems and creating vast ocean wastelands.

Value Proposition

The objective is for the consensus network to serve governing bodies and regulatory authorities by tracking and tracing fishing vessels on the open ocean to better manage ocean resources by establishing NFT’s with quotas for every authorised ship.

  • Solution will manage and govern the ocean environment that is highly challenging due to its sheer size via the utilisation of a networked satellite grid
  • The tokenisation of fishing licences creates a decentralised consensus marketplace that acts as a governing and regulatory body through the utilisation of Non-Fungible Tokens.
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AU Aquaculture Market
Contributed by Fish
Contributed by Crustaceans
Pandemic Decline
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News and Insights

The latest news and insights from Ocean Blocks


Overfishing: the Consequences and the Solution

The health of the earth’s ocean heavily relies on the thriving presence of aquaculture that inhabits within. As the population of the human race continues to steadily...
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Global Warming is a Global Problem Needing a Global Response

Following the latest worrying figures published by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change projecting that a 1.5 degrees Celsius rise could come a decade earlier, by early 2030,...
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Ocean Block Partners

We strive to work closely with government and private partners to advance Ocean Blocks and create a sustainable future.

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Contact Us


L8, T1, 1341 Dandenong Rd, Chadstone, VIC 3147, Australia


+61 4525 85 001